The planning application for a 5G mast on the verge opposite the Colehill co-op has been refused. The Planning Officer’s report states that “the siting and appearance of the proposed mast and associated cabinets would result in harm to the character and appearance of the application site which provides attractive public amenity space, and visual harm to the street scene”. They also advise that any future applications need to consult with nearby schools, which this application failed to do.
In total there were 101 public responses, only 2 of which supported the proposal. The report recognises that the proposed site provides “a focal point within the local community and an important amenity space for residents and visitors”. It states the mast “has not been designed to minimise the impact on amenity” and that “the proposal would introduce a stark urban feature to the space which would adversely impact on the street scene and character of the area”. It concludes that the proposed mast “would appear as visually stark and prominent feature in the street scene and urbanise this attractive area of open space, failing to harmonise with the site’s verdant and pleasant character”.