Site – Colehill, Grange (Eastbound = Towards the village) | ||
Analysis of SID Data collected between 28 May 2016 and 3 June 2016 | ||
Total Number of movements | 5,635 | |
Number of Days (or parts of) in Survey | 7 | |
Average Number of Vehicle per day | 805 | |
Maximum Speed | 61 | mph |
Minimum Speed | 1 | mph |
Average Speed | 32.22 | mph |
Modal speed (highest frequency) | 35 | mph |
85th percentile | 40.00 | mph |
Speeds up to 30mph | 1,935 | 34.34% |
Speeds Between 30&35mph | 1,883 | 33.42% |
Sppeds Between 36&39mph | 1,124 | 19.95% |
Speeds Between 40&50mph | 648 | 11.50% |
Speeds Between 50&60mph | 44 | 0.78% |
Speeds Over 60mph | 1 | 0.02% |
Total for check | 5,635 | 100.00% |
Traffic Between Midnight and 6AM | 90 | 1.60% |
Traffic Between 6AM and Midday | 2,004 | 35.56% |
Traffic between Midday and 6PM | 2,450 | 43.48% |
Traffic 6PM to Midnight | 1,091 | 19.36% |
Total for check | 5,635 | 100.00% |
Traffic movements on Sunday | 723 | 12.83% |
Traffic movements on Monday | 708 | 12.56% |
Traffic movements on Tuesday | 830 | 14.73% |
Traffic movements on Wednesday | 927 | 16.45% |
Traffic movements on Thursday | 909 | 16.13% |
Traffic movements on Friday | 779 | 13.82% |
Traffic movements on Saturday | 759 | 13.47% |
Total for check | 5,635 | 100.00% |
This information is shared with the road safety department at County Hall, with the
Police Safer Neighbourhood Team and with Holt Parish Council.