Full Parish Council meetings are held approximately eight times a year on a six weekly cycle. The Council appoints two committees. The committees have the power to make decisions on behalf of the Council or make recommendations to be approved by the Council.
Highways, Plans & the Environment Committee (HPE)
See the HPE Committee TOR (Adopted 4/2/25)
Highways, Plans & the Environment Committee meets approximately 10 times a year and considers matters relating to: Highways including highways safety; street furniture; Planning including undertaking the council’s role as a statutory consultee for planning applications; matters relating to Tree Preservation Orders; Environment including: climate emergency actions, land management plans for Council owned land. Please contact the Clerk if you require a planning application to be specifically discussed.
The members of Highways, Plan & the Environment Committee are:
- Nigel Bridle
- Clare Davison (Chair)
- Ann Edwards
- Leslie Gibson
- KD Johnson
- Ken Murgatroyd (Vice Chair)
- Emma Urquhart
- Susan Cowsill
- Cllr Patricia Gray
- Cllr Richard Palmer
Finance and General Purposes Committee (F&GP)
See the FGP Committee TOR (Adopted 4/2/25)
Finance and General Purposes Committee meets approximately 7 times a year and recommends to the Council the management of the Parish Council’s finances, authorises payment of accounts, prepares the Council’s budget, recommends to Council any revisions and extensions of its financial policy, considers grant applications and considers all matters not falling within the province of other Committees.
The Members of Finance and General Purposes Committee are:
- Leslie Gibson (Chair)
- Ann Edwards
- KD Johnson
- Mark Keniston
- Ken Murgatroyd
- Emma Urquhart (Vice Chair)
- Susan Cowsill
- Cllr Richard Palmer
Annual Hall Inspection
These members are appointed at the Annual Council Meeting to meet once a year to inspect Colehill Village Hall with the Clerk and the Village Hall Committee.
The members for the year 2024/25 are: