The Parish Council owns several areas of woodland, known as Triangle Wood, Kyrchil Corner, Coombes Wood and Merrifield Corner. These areas are maintained by Councillor KD Johnson, together with a small number of volunteers. Conservation workdays are held regularly throughout the year and volunteers are always needed.
Triangle Wood is the largest area and is well used by dog walkers and children. It lies between Colehill Lane, Smugglers Lane and Wimborne Road. The other three woods, although not as large as Triangle Wood, all contribute to the amenity and wildlife, particularly as they lie beside rights of way. The trees are regularly inspected by an arboriculturalist, who highlights any tree work that is required.
Kyrchil Corner is located at Kyrchil Way, almost opposite the Co-op in Middlehill Road, Coombes Wood is in Smugglers Lane, next to the Vicarage, and Merrifield Corner is by Smugglers Lane, almost opposite the Vicarage. St Michael’s Dirt is located at Coombes Wood.
Conservation Workdays are held every six weeks. Please contact the Clerk to find out when the next one is, or look at “What’s on in the village” or look out for the notice that is displayed at the cycle path entrances at Colehill Lane and Wimborne Road.
We meet at St Michael’s Middle School layby at 10.30 am and finish by 1.30 pm.
A few photographs from our recent Clean for the Queen morning: