Key Governance Documents
Standing Orders (Last Reviewed 09/07/24) – The core rules governing our operations
View the Council’s Financial Regulations (Last reviewed 9/7/24)
Guidelines on finance and auditing – Practitioners guide 2024 (Adopted 16/4/24)
The NALC Good Councillors Guide 2024 on how Councillors should operate as elected members
The The LGA Model Councillor Code of Conduct 2020 (Adopted 30/9/21, Last reviewed 10/12/24, Next review due by December 25)
General Policies & Procedures
Acceptable Usage Policy (Last reviewed 25/6/24) – Covering computer equipment provided by CPC
Complaints Policy (Last reviewed 25/06/2024) The process to be followed for any complaints about Council decisions, procedures or conduct of councillors or staff.
Community Engagement Policy (Last reviewed 8/10/24) – Explaining how we make information available and consult and engage within our community.
Co-option Policy (Last reviewed 22/5/24) – For interviewing and appointment of candidates to the council.
Crime & Disorder Policy (Last reviewed 26/11/24) – Explaining our duties under the Crime and Disorder Act.
Dignity at Work Policy(Last reviewed 10/09/24) – Deals with acceptable or unacceptable conduct at work. This ties into the national Civility & Respect Pledge that this Council has signed in October 2023.
Data Breach Policy (Last reviewed 26/11/24) – Explaining the steps necessary when data security is breached.
Emergency Powers Policy (Last reviewed 29/10/24) – Note this policy only applies when ‘activiated’ to enable the council to operate in an emergency situation when normal council meetings are not possible.
(The Emergency Powers Policy was activated on 6 May 21, in response to the Government’s decision not to renew the emergency legislation allowing parish councils to meet on a virtual basis, and subsequently deactivated on 19 Aug 21 when face to face meetings resumed.)
Equality & Diversity Policy (Adopted 10/09/24) – Recognising our duties under the Equality Act to ensure we provide equality and fairness to all our employees, councillors, volunteers and residents.
Expenses Policy (Last reviewed 26/11/24) – Covering travel and subsistence expenses incurred by the Parish Clerk and Councillors.
Expenses should be submitted to the Clerk using either this Excel Expense Form or by completing a paper copy of this PDF Expense Form.
Grant Aid Policy (Last reviewed 10/12/24) – See our Grant Aid page to obtain a copy of the policy and for additional details including an application form.
Health and Safety Policy (Last reviewed 8/10/24) – Covering our legal obligations and responsibilities for Health & Safety.
Model Publication Scheme (Last reviewed 25/06/2024) lists the information that is available to the public and how the information can be obtained.
When a Freedom of Information request is made the Council will follow the guidelines from the Information Commissioner’s Office. The Council will respond within 20 working days. The ICO will also be contacted to determine whether it would be appropriate to charge for certain requests.
Petitions Policy (Last reviewed 25/06/24) – Detailing how we deal with information that residents want to submit in a collective capacity.
Privacy Notice (Last reviewed 20/8/24) – Explaining what personal information we collect, and how we manage it.
Risk Management Policy (Last reviewed 20/8/24) – Identifying the risks facing the council and the controls in place to manage those risks.
Scheme of Delegation (Last reviewed 8/10/24) – Setting out the way the Council delegates powers and responsibilities to the Parish Clerk and Committees.
Social Media Policy (Last reviewed 20/8/24) – Covering use of social media by councillors and employees.
Training Development & Appraisal Policy (Last reviewed 10/12/24) – Covering our training and development strategy for both Councillors and employees.
Vexatious Requests Policy (Last reviewed 10/12/24) – Setting out our stance on vexatious or abusive complaints, demands and/or repeated requests for information including Freedom of Information requests and how they will be dealt with.
Virtual Meeting Policy – Adopted 08/12/20 and Withdrawn 8/3/22 – Covering our use of Zoom for Council & Committee meetings during the Coronavirus pandemic.
Working Group Protocol (Last reviewed 20/8/24) – Setting out how our Working Groups will operate.
Employment Policies
- Disciplinary Procedure (Last reviewed 10/09/2024)
- Grievance Procedure (Last reviewed 10/09/202)
- Sickness and Absence Policy Policy (Last reviewed 10/09/202)